Meet Our Students

"Athena is different from other schools because my teachers take the time to teach me things until I understand."
I feel good at school! People make me feel good about myself and who I am.
My favorite project has been the roller coaster building because its fun to work in a group and get feedback and support. I liked the flexibility to work with people from other classes.
What I like about Athena is that it is not that big. I like my smaller classes because it is easier to get my teacher's attention and if you make a mistake its okay. They will just tell you what to do better.
My favorite thing is that you can make friends really easily and you can always ask anyone for help.
"My teachers are nice to me and I like them because they make things fun and because they help me 'get it' when I'm stuck."
My favorite things about school are the makerspace and the art lab because I get to pick out whatever materials I want and make really cool stuff.
I love the math and language arts projects we do. My favorite project was when we learned about time in math class because I got to build a water timer.
At school I always feel like I'm going to have a fun day. I have lots of friends who are nice to me and I'm so glad.
Athena is different because it is smaller and not too crowded and there's less kids in every room so I get to ask more questions.

"I like Ms. Joan because she's such a nice teacher and she helps me...we have fun."
I enjoy being able to run under the hose during lunch on really hot days!
Words from Our Parents
"The teachers are skillful and devoted. The whole school is student centered, responsive, and just wonderful. We feel really lucky and would strongly recommend the school to anyone with a dyslexic child."
"I think our son regained his self confidence at Athena Academy."
Life at Athena Academy